Connection is key
Communication works best when you have insight into your audience.
Words have power
We'll help you use them wisely.
Eye-catching design drives the message home.
Success in any form requires a plan
A communication strategy makes all the difference.
ICSC is a strategic communication consultancy. Our specialised communication offering is designed to increase employee productivity and thereby offer you a higher return on your investment.
We do things differently. Whether you’re an established company, or up-and-coming business, we can help you forge ahead and seize opportunities in the economic landscape of today.
Communication strategy
A good strategy is key to increasing your competitive edge in the marketplace.Digital media
Digital media is an indispensable element of any communication strategy today.Design
Visual communication is essential in today’s fast-moving society.Publications
Publications are a vital element of effective communication.CLIENTS

Have a look what we've done. Just imagine what we can do for you!
The ICSC team has, over the years, supported various business areas within the Sanlam Group with internal communications strategy, campaign execution and the like – always delivering a quality and highly professional service. Their commitment and enthusiasm for the task at hand is consistently evident.
Sanlam has been a client of ICSC since the inception of this amazing business. ICSC will always stand out for your amazing service, always saying yes, amazing turnaround time, but more important, your knowledge of your trade and getting the job done.
Wat ʼn plesier om saam met Ilse en haar span te werk! Sedert 2002 bied ICSC aan my omgewing professionele en kundige ondersteuning t.o.v. ʼn wye verskeidenheid kommunikasieverwante aktiwiteite en projekte. Hulle lewer konsekwent uitstaande diens en is werklik staatmakers.
It can surely only be an acronym for “Impressive Constructive Skillful Competence”.
Thank you to Ilse and every member of her ICSC team for providing such “Impressive Constructive Skillful Competence” in everything you do for Ithemba as a grateful pro bono client.
ICSC has been a strategic partner of and service provider to the Ackermans Product Technology Department since July 2019. We highly recommend ICSC as a partner in creating success. ICSC is highly regarded for their branding advice and content contributions. The ease with which we can work with them makes for a creative result.
ICSC has been a loved and trusted service provider to ProjectXChange for 16 years. At the initiation of ProjectXChange, I needed a service provider who could deliver on-time quality and innovative deliverables without having to hover over their shoulder all the time. ICSC has not disappointed once in 16 years.
Our team of communication specialists offers you insightful, proactive and collaborative solutions
for today’s business environment.
ICSC is a Level 2 B-BBEE supplier in terms of the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice.