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You can’t afford poor communication

We all know that communication is essential to maintaining healthy relationships, but did you know that it can actually have a tangible effect on your company’s bottom line? A recent study by the Economist Intelligence Unit found that poor workplace communication can result in failure to complete projects (in 44% of cases); low employee morale (31% of cases); missed performance goals (25% of cases) and lost sales (18% of cases).

Communication has the power to engage people. “Countless studies and surveys have revealed that good internal communication significantly increases employee engagement,” says ICSC founder and CEO Ilse Cilliers. “When you consider that organisations with happy and engaged employees are 22% more productive than organisations with lower employee engagement and satisfaction rates (Harvard Business Review), it makes sense to invest in getting your internal communication right,” she adds.

However, not all communication is equally effective. When rating the efficacy of communication, 88% of senior managers and executives polled by the Economist Intelligence Unit said face-to-face meetings were “very effective” or “somewhat effective”. Interestingly, e-mail communication still packs a solid punch – 86% of those surveyed said they thought email was “effective” or “somewhat effective” for communicating important information.

Communication data is powerful. A major advantage of e-mail communication is that you can track open and click-through rates. “ICSC provides monthly reports to many of our clients, detailing exactly who has opened their e-mail communication and who has followed through on the communication by clicking on a link or downloading a document,” says Ilse.

The reporting statistics can also help you improve your communication by monitoring how these rates are affected when changes are made to your communication content and strategies.

Find your ideal mix

The best communication solutions are those that enable your strategic objectives. At ICSC, we believe that internal communication should directly contribute towards:

  • A healthy, effective working environment,
  • Satisfied, loyal clients,
  • Improved company performance,
  • Happy and dedicated employees.

“When you invest in communication services, you have every right to expect a return on your investment. That’s why we focus so strongly on strategic objectives when planning our communication services,” adds Ilse. Communication isn’t just a “nice to have”. It’s an essential business process that should add tangible value.

The responsibility of good communication need not intimidate you. “ICSC can help to transform your workplace via an effective internal communications strategy. We have decades of experience of developing dynamic internal communication solutions for big corporates, medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurial start-ups” says Ilse. 

Get in touch with ICSC at or 083 633 3943 to bring your internal communication up to date with today’s needs.