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Do you speak digital?

Digital interaction with your employees is essential – here’s why.

Most companies today have dedicated digital departments, which cater to the digital needs of their consumers. However, many companies neglect digital interaction with their employees. Corporate intranets are widely used, but they tend to offer one-way communication to employees, such as information on the company’s vision and values, company news, as well as resources and tools for staff members. Because these intranets offer little opportunity for employees to interact with the information available, they are generally incapable of fostering employee engagement.

Today’s employees have higher expectations of communication. They don’t merely want to be talked to, but want to have the opportunity to talk back and share their thoughts on new developments, with the possibility of changing the way that things are done. Collaboration and teamwork on projects is very important to them, but this can’t happen if their voices aren’t heard. Two-way communication is essential in this workplace dynamic.

So how should companies respond to ensure that their workplace is a digitally-connected environment? The company intranet is a good place to start. Smart companies are transforming their formerly static intranet sites into busy digital hubs, by allowing employees to post updates and content, which others can like or comment on. Many company intranet sites also allow employees to personalise their sites, so that they can access all the information that is most relevant to them with greater ease.

Another trend in the digital-savvy workplace is the use of digital “micro moments”, which are brief digital interactions with staff, spread throughout the day. They could take the form of a quick voice note from a team leader, a video clip of the CEO’s message to staff, a telecon with a team working off-site or the human resources manager sharing an article that they thought would interest staff members.

It’s clear that when embarking on a digital transformation strategy, it is equally important to consider internal and external communication channels. Your employees are likely to be a microcosm of your pool of prospective customers. The lessons you learn as you interact digitally with employees will be of enormous value in your external digital efforts as well.

ICSC’s team of communication experts can help to transform your internal communication and make you more digitally relevant to your employees. Get in touch today to find out more: (021) 976 1918,,